Tag - Time Management

Brief Guide for Running Meetings

A Short Guide for Running Meetings

Recently meetings are getting more and more bad reputation of time-wasting and unproductive business action. Below guide is a brief advice to make meetings more effective and regain control of your calendar. 1. Keep the meeting as small as possible. No more than seven people Of course, there is no magic number. Though research does not point to a...

Quantifying.me A year in a chart (2014)

Quantifying.me (2014) A Year in a Chart

I like quantifying things and making them tangible. Time is the most precious asset any human can have. It is a good thing to track where is your time is invested (or wasted). "Quantifying.me"  is a trial of measuring time spent. I am always tracking and measure things since you cannot improve anything you cannot...

Effective Management Techniques: Pareto Analysis

  Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist who, in the 19th century, discovered that 80% of the land in Italy was held by 20% of the population. Since that time, the Pareto Analysis relates to the concept that 20% of A is responsible for 80% of B. What It Means The 80/20 Rule means that in anything...

How to Utilize Small Time Slots

"We say we waste time, but that is impossible. We waste ourselves." Everyone of us encounters daily situations of wasting time. Daily commuting between home and work, waiting for dentist or doctor, queuing for a governmental service, usual waiting for your wife while shopping, waiting to pick kids from school, and a lot of other situations...

Lessons Learned from ‘Water’ – Persistence!

“Little drops of water wear down big stones." - Russian Proverb I am currently at the airport waiting for my plane which I discovered moving forward couple of hours. I received this discovery with optimism (as usual). I took the chance to write this post.All the time I am fascinated with water strength and patience....

At the Door of a New Year! We Ask: Are We Lazy Creatures?!

"To reach a port, we must sail—Sail, not tie at anchor—Sail, not drift.", Franklin Roosevelt This is a haunting question. There is a plenty of evidence about human beings laziness compared to other creatures on the planet! I believe that the statement that “we are lazy creatures” is true to some extent and varies from one...

Need for Speed! Increase your Productivity

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” Paul J. Meyer It is very important to learn the secrets of increasing productivity. Time is the most valuable asset in this life. Proper utilization of time (or this asset) you can get any other...

Productivity Tips – How to Utilize Tiny Time Slots

“We say we waste time, but that is impossible. We waste ourselves.”, Alice Bloch Everyone of us encounters daily situations of wasting time. Daily commuting between home and work, waiting for dentist or doctor, queuing for a governmental service, usual waiting for your wife while shopping, waiting to pick kids from school, and a lot of...

Read … Read … Get Bored? Read Something Else!

Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book Reading is the fuel for knowledge and its main stream. Reading is adding more years into your life. Years of experience and knowledge. Once you decide to stop reading is a permission to increase the gap between you...