Productivity Tips – How to Utilize Tiny Time Slots

Everyone of us encounters daily situations of wasting time. Daily commuting between home and work, waiting for dentist or doctor, queuing for a governmental service, usual waiting for your wife while shopping, waiting to pick kids from school, and a lot of other situations that impose waiting passively till we are released.
In this post, I will try to list some productive tips that boost utilization of time. There are many things to do to utilize those times in a better way.
Build Your Catalog of RSS Feeds
RSS feeds are web content feeds for blog entries, new posts, news entries, or new articles that are published to specific web sites. RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. It is a syndication for the web sites it represents.
Everyone should have a list of web sites with useful information of interests. You need to subscribe to those sites in order to receive RSS feeds. There are specialized applications that can read RSS feeds. You need to have a version on your PC laptop browser, your mobile phone, and your tablet. Google reader, for example, is a very flexible tool where you can use it through any browser, very readable through mobile phone browsers and a blessing for tablets.
At any point of time, you are equipped with a list of reading material enough to fill your waiting time. I suggest below sample list of RSS websites that I am using and find very helpful.
- Addictive Tips,
- Gizmodo,
- IT Consultancy Body of Knowledge Blog,
- Lifehacker,
- Lifehack,
- Productivity501,
- Startups,
- Unplggd.
Prepare Reading Material
Always be ready with some reading material. Prepare 2-3 PDF books or magazines within your mobile or tablet. This can be used during waiting times. You can use a cloud storage such as DropBox to synchronize your books and PDF files automatically between your laptop PC and mobile devices tablet.
Manage your To Do List
Add more tasks in your to-do list or update your progress of those items. Change priorities of your to-do list based on your workload and importance of the activities.
Audio Books and Mp3 Players as a Team
This is a good mix between mp3 players, which are widely available with reasonable prices, and audio books. It is a very good technique to prepare audio books with mp3 formats within your mp3 player storage. An mp3 player with 4GB storage enables you to store multiple audio books at the same time. You can listen to these audio books during waiting time in airports, bus stations, or car driving.
I hope above tips help. Please share more tips you are using.
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Ahmed Youssef