Tag - Productivity

Quantifying.me A year in a chart (2014)

Quantifying.me (2014) A Year in a Chart

I like quantifying things and making them tangible. Time is the most precious asset any human can have. It is a good thing to track where is your time is invested (or wasted). "Quantifying.me"  is a trial of measuring time spent. I am always tracking and measure things since you cannot improve anything you cannot...

How to Utilize Small Time Slots

"We say we waste time, but that is impossible. We waste ourselves." Everyone of us encounters daily situations of wasting time. Daily commuting between home and work, waiting for dentist or doctor, queuing for a governmental service, usual waiting for your wife while shopping, waiting to pick kids from school, and a lot of other situations...

Need for Speed: Priorities Setting Techniques

“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Our lifestyle and daily work pressures force us to become reactors rather than pro-actors. Things are done in sequence, you focus on one thing at a time and move to the second one. Attention cannot be divided....

Need for Speed! Increase your Productivity

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” Paul J. Meyer It is very important to learn the secrets of increasing productivity. Time is the most valuable asset in this life. Proper utilization of time (or this asset) you can get any other...