How to Change Behavior of Software Development Team

One of the hard missions I ever encounter is when I try to convince a software developer or a team that their end-result product is not easy to be used. At this point, you turn defensive mode ON and a list of prerecorded defenses are played. Changing the behavior of a team is one of challenges that anyone working...

Overview of Software Testing Techniques and Methods

In this post, I would like to talk about a very important subject for every professional in IT industry: software systems testing techniques. This time I thought creating an Infographic would be more attractive and easier to read. You can click on below image for zooming. Also I made a PDF version available for download...

What Customers Want? Introduction to Software Requirements -PART 1

Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen, Edward V. Berard We are living an era where services industry is booming. Current markets are full of new faces other than conventional manufacturing and tangible products. Information technology service is one of those rising industries in services sector. IT Professional and...

Welcome Note

Dear All, Welcome to this blog concerned with IT consultancy body of knowledge. The blog discusses most important knowledge areas that should be covered by any IT consultant in order to have a successful job and brighter career path. I put some initial categories under which various discussions will take place ranging from IT development, architecture,...